In Kurulus Osman Episode 59, at the same time, Togay's fighters attack Umur's clan. Exactly when the Turkish toxophilite start attacking, Umur sorts out some way to escape with wounds. Malhun and the warriors endeavor to secure the clan anyway Mongolians execute a lot of guiltless people. Camuha orders his contenders to move back from the clan. Malhun helps the harmed individuals of the clan after the attack 

Osman returns to his tent and starts to consider where Umur is. Gunduz says that Umur is doing secret business. Meanwhile, an Alp comes from the clan of Umur and says that the Mongols attacked and they are experiencing extraordinary misfortune. Osman says that he will fight back for this attack and rapidly chooses to go to Umur's clan. Exactly when Umur returns to his clan, he sees the deadbodies of the occupants and kids. He comes to realize that he has fallen into a catch. Umur comprehends the delayed consequence of his activities and mulls over it. Togay returns to the base in the forest and thinks Osman knows about Umur's attack plan. 

Umur mourns the mistake he made and is dampened by the genuine people who kicked the can. Malhun comprehends that her father intended to attack Togay and solicitations that he reveal to Osman the genuine elements. While Osman is endeavoring to build up the watchman of the clan, a crate sent by Togay appears. Osman peruses the note that arose out of the case and finds that the arrangement become nomore of additional worth because of what Umur did. Afterthat, Umur comes and concedes everything. Osman says that Umur makes enormous issues. Umur says that he feels remorseful because guiltless people passed on and that he has been against Osman this time. You can watch Kurlush Osman Episode 60 with Urdu Subtitles here on Turkish Series.

While Sheik chats with the dervishes, Osman goes to the dervish occupant. Osman says that Umur attacked Togay and that is the explanation everything was annihilated. Sheik Edebali advises that Osman is attempting to keep the circumstance serene. Sheik encourages Osman to endeavor by and by in light of the fact that his dream is excessively colossal. Umur says that he remains nothing aside from losing trust and that is the explanation they will move. Malhun objects to her dad yet can't adjust his viewpoint. Umur goes to banter with Sheik that evening and uncovers to him that he mulls over it. Umur says he will leave this land by virtue of his mix-up, however Sheik stops him. Edebali says that it is outstandingly easy to leave everything and move, yet it is difficult to remain and fight with the adversaries. 

Umur attacks Togay with his sharp edge, anyway he can't butcher him. Togay will attempt to slaughter Umur by using simply his hands. Togay takes Umur's sharp edge in his grip, anyway Osman stops him when he will execute him. Osman says that Umur is at this point under his own protection and in this manner nobody however he can rebuke him. Togay objects to him, yet Osman takes Umur starting there and goes. 

Umur expresses profound gratitude to Osman on his way back to the clan. Osman says he will not allow the Mongols to butcher a Turkish Bey. Umur says that from here on out he will not stay against Osman and even assistance him. Umur asks Osman how he understands he will meet with Togay. Osman tells that he got data alongside Kumral Abdal. Umur and Osman by then return to the plain. Umur invites Osman to his tent and uncovers to Malhun that he wanted to meet Togay. Umur says that Osman saved him and starts examining about the coming time. Osman says that nobody will emigrate and the Turks will stay together. 


What will be the following move of the Gehatu? What will Nikola do straightaway? How Osman keep the Umer save from the Gehatu's assault? What will be the issues made in Osman's marriage? To answers of the quries continue to watch Kurulus Osman season 2..