Great Seljuk Episode 19 with English and Urdu Subtitles

The new Episode story went past the most extreme and satisfactory lying with the past. All things considered, Hassan Sabah's genuine face was uncovered to Malik Shah, Nizam ul Malik, Sanjar, and Malik Tapar. In any case, as per everybody's assumptions, Sabbah got away from the death sentences indeed. Incredible Seljuk Episode and the young lady from Constantinople was saved by Levia. 


Batini and the Crusaders 

Levia was acquainted with another character in the dramatization that seemed, by all accounts, to be a delightful lying with wonderful hair and present day cosmetics with a lovely face, which dropped lightning on numerous watchers' hearts. In any case, she is by all accounts an amazing miscreant who will join with Batini and the Crusaders. 

Nizam ul Mulk 

Seljuk specialists were looking at the gold, and they conceded the gold was not native. This scenerio made Faysal dubious. However, they tricked Nizam ul Mulk and demonstrated that some other notable merchants possessed gold. Along these lines, those dealers took gold to Livia. 

Turna Was Extremely Happy 

Turna was incredibly glad when his dad disclosed to him he abandoned his choice and let her wed Sanjar. A worker disclosed to Malik Shah that Markos had sent courier executioners as an image to proceed with retribution, and they had a union of Sabbah. In addition, Tapar likewise educated that Sabbah was living. 

Zubaida Hatun 

Sanjar takes Faysal to Sultan Malik Shah. Zubaida Hatun called Nizam ul Mulk. She realized that Basulu was alive, and she denounced Nizam ul Mulk for concealing this fact. She undermined him that nobody would take anything before his child, Berkyaruk. However, Basulu's understanding has reached a conclusion, and she communicated her direness to uncover the mysterious herself before Zubaida Hatun. 

Tarkan Hatun 

Out of the relative multitude of frantic circumstances through which Tarkan Hatun has been, she at long last got the uplifting news, which calmed his pressure. 

Livia met Sanjar, and she presented herself as the agent of Shahbinder. Faysal additionally cautioned Livia to know about his assurance. 

Malik Tapar 

Malik Tapar unexpectedly went to see Commander Issakios. He requested Issakios to close every one of the entryways of the palace. Markos became stressed in light of the fact that he was covered up in the royal residence. Sanjar was in the motel, and Livia assumed liability to murder Sanjar with the weapon formed by Hassan Sabbah. Livia won his leniency to be with him for some time. Turna was likewise working close to that spot. She mixed up Sanjar. Simultaneously, Markos went to the room where Sanjar requested that Livia stay around evening time. The following day, Turna cautioned Livia on the grounds that she detected Livia's off-base expectations. 

Sanjar Killed Christians 

The last piece of the scene is loaded with battle continuations and loaded with feelings. King Malik Shah battled with Crasuders, Sanjar additionally executed Christians. In addition, Sanjar ran over Hassan Sabbah, who was going to murder two of Sanjar's amazing alps. They all held their swords facing Batini's. The scene closes that the second when Sanjar safeguarded Malik Shah, who was oblivious on the ground. 

What are your expectations from this Episode?

What are your ptions from the following episode? What do you think, will Hassan Sabbah and Markos not go across their streets on account of their common reason? The greatest danger is whether Sultan Malik Shah will live to see Basulu Hatun alive. Will Sanjar at any point embrace Sultan as his own child? Aren't you eager to see Turna Hatun in real life. To investigate further about the exciting bends in the road of the story, be in contact with us. We guarantee you the quality interpretation.


Great Seljuk Episode 19 Urdu Link

Great Seljuk Episode 19 English Link