In Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 33, Mitras and Hassan Sabah flee on a definitive moment. Nizam ul Mulk thinks an individual meandering inside the lush region is Tajul Mulk and halted him, anyway that person is a wellbeing professional. Hassan Sabah reveals to Mitras now not to go to Kuvel and takes him to his basement to fix him. Ali disposes of his chains and emerges from the cavern. The Sultan comes and help Ali. Ali says that Hassan Sabah is running with Mitras. 

Sanjar offers to take both Sultan and Ali to the conspicuous for treatment. While disclosing to Zubeyde that he transformed into dubious of Tajul Mulk, Nizam ul Mulk discovers that the Sultan went to the clear for cure. Terken sees that Nizam ul Mulk is furtively following Tajul Mulk and embarks to the plain to see the Sultan. Hassan treats Mitras. 

In the mean time, the Kipchaks go to the self-evident. Basulu is fulfilled to see her sibling again after years and embraces Baturalp. Baturalp converses with Sanjar and Tapar. Basulu requests that Baturalp get some unwinding, yet he says he arrived to get his sister. Melik Shah is astounded to hear this. Mitras says that the Kipchaks will stop Melik Shah for quite a while and the head will dispatch new infantrymen all through this time. Baturalp faults the Sultan for what happened to his sister. 

Melik Shah says that no one can take Basulu and modify his choice. Sanjar and Tapar attempt to substitute the decision of their uncle, however Baturalp says he'll act as per the custom. Baturalp says that on the off chance that he can't take Basulu to Kipchak region, he'll call his total naval force. Terken faults Basulu for what occurred, anyway Zubeyde says that they need to safeguard Basulu independent of what occurs. Melik Shah discovers that Baturalp has captured his squaddies, anyway goes to a choice to go there to save his officers while he discovers that his children will converse with him. 

Tapar and Sanjar attempt to modify Baturalp's determination and convey him daily to think. The Sultan realizes what his children did and settles on a choice to go to sometime in the future. The Fidai of Hassan Sabah dispatched to Baturalp's years in the past comes and tells around what Sanjar did. Hassan Sabah intends to murder a few warriors of Baturalp with Seljuk bolts. Melik Shah understands that there are a couple of issues inside the Seljuk state and orders a constitution to be drafted to clear up them. 

Terken requests that Tajul Mulk call the Karakhanid troopers all together that Basulu does now not go to the castle. That evening, Zubeyde tells Nizam ul Mulk that Terken would conceivably make another difficulty and that she will conform to her subtly. Gevher says off-base and awful matters roughly the appearance of Basulu to the royal residence. Tapar can't bear it any longer and says he will now not stay inside a similar room with Gevher. 

While Turna is addressing women who weave mats, she discovers that the Sultan welcomed Basulu to the royal residence. Turna sees that Basulu isn't in the plain and advises this to Sanjar. Basulu goes to her sibling's tent and reveals to him that she can return to Kipchak land with him. Baturalp is cheerful about this and sends his military once more. Sanjar understands that his mom goes to Kipchak land with Baturalp and right currently takes development to stop her. While on the opposite side, Hassan Sabah assaulted on Baturalp while he is returning with Basulu khatun. Hassan Sabah slaughtered all officers of Baturalp and harmed Baturalp and says to Basulu that who will save you from me. Unexpectedly, Sultan Melik Shah came to there and said that I will save Basulu. 

Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 34 Trailer: 

Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu episode 34 was on air on 31 May, 2021. Is it true that you are captivated to witness that what will to Baturalp? Will he have kicked the bucket or not? What will be the aftereffect of Kuvel battle? Will Sultan Melik Shah murder Mithras in Kuvel Fight? Will Zubeyda Hatun and Nizam ul Mulk have the option to discover that Terken and Tajul Mulk are the trickster in royal residence? To see every one of these realities, visit our site.

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Credits for Urdu Translation: Historic Series